Tuesday 8 January 2013

FOREVER...with you!


                FOREVER...with you:)

                                     (Dedicated to my loving sis. on her birthday)
                   We two turned old
                  Lasting miles apart,
                  A living in haste,
                  With saddled heart...
                                             But, I long to embrace
                                             When you shake in fear,
                                              Another shot to wipe
                                              Thy unheeded tears...

                   When you waver in jam
                  And look for a hide,
                  I  care  to  be
                  Thy selfless guide...
                                              While pals rip off &
                                               You wail in the rain,
                                               I vow to abide
                                               Thy every pain...
                   As the world act mean
                 & you meet with disguise,
                   I quest to witness
                   Thy innocence plays wise...

                  If living get down
                 & touch in the dark,,
                  Stars do change
                  & draw its spark...
                                                A soul to love
                                                A soul to heed,
                                                 I’ll stick around thou
                                                 FOREVER in need!   

